Wednesday, 25 January 2012

On the road again.....

This morning we packed our bits 'n' bobs into the car and drove to Wonthaggi in victoria where we will spend a couple of days with katrina's parents before heading off to geelong to do the same with my parents.

it was a nice trip, crossing the high country and pottering down the coast road. unusually wew made a lot of stops, could be part of that whole slow departure from the country thing.    Extra stops to remind us of the Australian countryside that will be left behind.  A final imprint if you will.

Since we moved out of home we've had time to sit back and relax a bit.  Amongst other things we've had bonus dinners with friends and a little more relaxed time to say farewells. That has been nice.

Yesterday we went back to the house as removalists were coming to pack and collect the things that we are taking with us to Oman.  It is kind of funny that I was able to pack the house and put so much of our belongings into storage without any emotion, other than argh - rush - panic!  And yet watching  removalists do the same thing brought on a whole range of emotions and  well a bit of moisture.  That may also have been because I was standig in my house, that is no longer my home and very noticeably so.  Robert and his friends have wasted no time in making the place theirs.

Tomorrow is Australia day and for the first time in a long long while it will be a quiet one for us.  But then that will suit this year. Wonder how and if we will celebrate it next year.  At least there should be no sign of bogan hordes adorning clothes, cars, selves and any other non sentient object that comes to hand with the Australian flag.

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